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Sunday, 29 December 2013

PAYDAY 2 Keygenerator


About the game

Payday 2 is similar to most first person shooters, but instead of running-and-gunning, more emphasis is put on the cooperation of players. Players spawn outside of the designated heist location in civilian clothes until the player holds the action button and dons a mask. This gives the players a tactical advantage, being able to infiltrate the location without suspicion and potentially disabling security systems from the inside.
When a player carries a bag of loot or equipment, this adds weight to the carrier, slowing them down and tilting the camera. The player is able to throw the loot to the ground to regain speed, or towards another player to pick up and carry instead.[5]
Money looted from heists is used as currency to buy guns and gun modifications, as well as items that may help on future heists, such as the codes for window shutters to prevent the player being shot through them. Heists also provide experience points, which upon leveling up unlock more guns to purchase as well as skill points, being able to spend those skill points on perks with an appropriate sum of money. To that there are four skill trees, "Mastermind", "Enforcer", "Technician" and "Ghost", each featuring a customization tree of associated skills and equipment to unlock and they can be mixed and matched as per the player's preference.


Download Payday 2 keygenerator now!
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